Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What Do You Think?

I'm used to the "Hey Joes" by now. Everywhere I go some Filipino thinks its cute to yell "Hey Joe" at me. That's cool. I get it...whatever.

Recently though they've stopped with the Joe and have moved onto American movie stars. Because I have brown hair and glasses I've gotten Harry Potter, Spiderman, and as always-- Superman. My students back in the US called me Superman, and so I'm sort of okay with that...maybe that's a weird ego thing. I would love a second opinion. Which is most like me??


Loren said...

My vote is for Peter Parker.

Unknown said...

I vote Spiderman cause Tobey is the cutest... although Daniel Radcliff is growing up nicely...

Miss you boy!

Jessica said...

I would also vote for Peter Parker. Justin--you look so slim!! I hope you're doing well--I miss you!